Jet Lag Massage

Bounce Back from Jet Lag with a Massage

Long flights can leave you feeling exhausted and disoriented from jet lag. Fortunately, getting a massage can help minimise travel fatigue and get your body clock back on track sooner. Read on to learn how jet lag massage eases symptoms.

What is Jet Lag Massage?

Jet lag massage relieves the body and mind after long flights. The massage therapist targets areas most affected by jet lag and works to rebalance the nervous system.

Firm, broad strokes stimulate circulation to prevent fluid buildup. Kneading and compression along the neck, shoulders and spine release muscle tension caused by cramped seats and poor posture. The legs and feet are massaged to reduce swelling. Light, soothing strokes relax the mind for restful sleep

Incorporating essential oils enhances the massage. Peppermint and eucalyptus help clear congestion and mental fogginess. Lavender promotes relaxation for quality sleep. Massage combined with hydration accelerates recovery.

Benefits of Jet Lag Massage:

  • Resets the body’s internal clock to minimise jet lag effects
  • Reduces fatigue, headaches, nausea and muscle tension
  • Improves circulation and reduces fluid retention
  • Stimulates lymphatic drainage to remove toxins
  • Promotes restful sleep and recovery
  • Enhances mental clarity and brain functioning
  • Leaves you revived and ready to enjoy your trip

Don’t let jet lag ruin the start of your vacation. Book a revitalising massage upon arrival to beat the effects. You’ll be recharged and embracing the joys of travel again swiftly.


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