Indian Head Massage

Relieve Tension with Indian Head Massage

Do you ever feel like you carry all your stress in your head and neck? Indian head massage relieves tension and headaches by focusing solely on the upper back, shoulders, scalp and face. Read on to learn about the benefits of this seated massage.

What is Indian Head Massage?

Indian head massage originated over a thousand years ago as part of family traditions. The Ayurvedic technique provides both therapeutic and relaxing benefits in a short amount of time.

The massage is performed in a seated position. No oils are used so you can remain fully clothed. The therapist massages the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face using kneading, circles, acupressure and rhythmic motions. Techniques stimulate energy flow and release physical and mental tension.

Benefits of Indian Head Massage:

  • Relieves stress, anxiety and depression
  • Eases headaches, migraines and eyestrain
  • Releases neck, shoulder and upper back tension
  • Improves circulation, lymphatic flow and energy levels
  • Boosts alertness and concentration skills
  • Promotes hair growth and scalp health
  • Provides quick relief without needing to undress

In just 30 minutes, an Indian head massage can melt away aches and mental fatigue. With routine treatments, it’s an effective stress management tool. The refreshing yet relaxing massage is perfect for the busy modern lifestyle.


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